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Questi ritratti presentati in dittico aprono le porte dell’Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia di Torino. Punto di riferimento per le malattie infettive del nordd’Italia, è stato evidentemente prima trincea durante l’emergenza Corona Virus. I “nostri dottori”, tutti i giorni in televisione, nelle immagini sgranate dei telegiornali, sono...

Every year the touristy paradise of Phuket (Thailand) holds a hidden anthropological gem: the Taoist-rooted Nine Emperor Gods Festival also known as “Vegetarian Festival”. Originally born in China, the festival is a holy worship of the nine gods, who are the main protectors of...

The internationally renowned rock/electro star SBCR / The Bloody Beetroots and the award-winning photographer based in Bangkok, Mauro Talamonti, met one night, by chance, in Turin, Italy. They shook hands on a crazy plan: they would share a hotel room in Japan during the Fuji Rock...

A journey through the highest regions of Himalaya, Ladakh and Kashmir, documenting the tough life of the road builders. ©2009 ...

Levante's Italian tour B/W film, ©2014. "Sbadiglio" Videoclip Dig HD @2014 Regia Mauro Talamonti Montaggio Mauro Talamonti e Daniele Celona Fotografia Mauro TalamontiAutore Claudia Lagona Compositori Claudia Lagona e Alberto Bianco Etichetta INRI Edizioni Metatron   ...

Meanwhile Russia has been invading Crimea’s peninsula, I traveled across Ukraine looking for social contrasts inside a culture on the edge of a civil war. Different roots, languages, political views between the western and the eastern parts of the Nation. Employees, bar tenders, prostitutes, farmers and hipster "pioneers” live side by side...